Saturday, February 12, 2011

President's Day

I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning, thinking, wait; we are supposed to have presentations on President's Day. So--that won't work, right? Well, here's my suggestions, but I'm open to others as well.

Let me know what you think of this.

Week Seven

M 2/14 Presentations

Jessica—follow up on your blog post

Rob and Van______________________




Megan/ Andrew____________________________


W 2/16 Two Presentations? Maybe Megan/Andrew, but be ready on Monday, Quaid and perhaps Mark? Then Peer Edit.

Draft of Final Papers Due, Peer Edit Session

Week Eight

M 2/21 No class meeting, last day to submit 3rd Blog Entry.

W 2/23 Finish up presentations, maybe Mark and Birchall?

Final Papers Due in class; Course Summation Due.


  1. I'm fine with going on Monday. Truthfully, I would actually prefer it. I suppose we'll see how far we get, though.


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